Creamy Cafe Pretty Cure is a fan sereies based off of the Magical Girl metaseries Pretty Cure. The story follows a young girl attacks by monsters and with the desire to save her friends she transforms into Cure Cream the legendary precure. Who will end up on her team and can she defeat her enemies?
PLEASE NOTE: This is a personal series I created. Please do not steal or take anything for your own Website!!!
TW: Fantasy violence, mature themes, eatting disorders
Character Name | Picture | Bio |
Cure Cream | TBA | |
Cure Vanilla | TBA | |
Cure Caramel | TBA | |
Cure Mocha | TBA | |
Cure Spice | TBA | |
Cure Mousse | TBA |
Chapter | Description |
Chapter 1 | TBA |
Chapter 2 | TBA |
Chapter 3 | TBA |
Chapter 4 | TBA |
Chapter 5 | TBA |
Choose where you want to explore. Don't know where to go? Eeny meeny miney mo! Make sure you keep up with your tools. And maybe say hi to the locals. They would love to meet you, they always have a smiling face.
Isn't it so much fun to play? No one to make you sad or mad? I hope you come back. We can always have fun together!